Clinical Studies Q & A
Clinical research serves as a tool to help prevent, diagnose, and treat illness. It involves the use of human subjects to gather information about health and the effectiveness of various treatments.
Gaffney Heath conducts clinical research in partnership with leading pharmaceutical companies and national research groups. The research studies are safe with close monitoring by physicians from around the world. Your safety is the most important aspect of the work.
What are the benefits of clinical research?
Dr. Gaffney participates in clinical research because it allows her and her team to be on the leading edge of medical care. As a participant in clinical research, you get access to some of the most advanced therapies, medication, and frequent physical exams.
An additional benefit is you are reimbursed for your time away from your work or family to help other individuals with conditions similar to your own.
Perhaps the life you save is someone you know
If you what to know more or have a friend or family member who may benefit contact us.
Research Studies
Gaffney for Life
CiRT - Cardiovascular Inflammation Reduction Trial for heart attach clients
Evaluate-HF - Heart Failure Medication
AstraZeneca - Diabetes Type 2 study for children & Asthma Study for adults
Celgene - Crohn’s Disease Research
MedImmune - Crohn’s Disease Research
Join us for our exciting new study to treat asthma in children and adults.